Polarlys is Norwegian for `polar light´, and refers to the natural Arctic phenomenon we pursue in winter.
MS Polarlys was refurbished in 2016 and now features a modern, Arctic-inspired interior. On board are three different restaurants, the Multe bakery and ice cream bar, a sauna and fitness room. Out on deck you can enjoy the view from one of our two hot tubs. We have a comfortable bar at the front of the ship where you can enjoy a nice traditional drink. The vessel also has a large compass area where you find the reception, the expedition team, conference room and shop.
Expedition team on board
MS Polarlys has her own on-board Expedition Team and serves as a university at sea. Interesting lectures, presentations and activities inside as well as out on the sun deck of the ship make this an exciting and educational journey. Topics depend on the season and the waters we sail in. The Expedition Team will host a lecture and presentation programme and evening gatherings daily. Out on deck you may participate in live points of interest to learn more about the nature, culture and other phenomena we encounter along the coast. In addition, the Expedition Team will introduce you to the uniquely Norwegian notion of `friluftsliv´, and encourage you take part in `friluftsliv´ hikes and activities during the journey.
The dedicated Expedition Team has one mission: to enhance your experience by engaging you and interpreting the nature, wildlife, and culture you encounter during the voyage. Read more about our Expedition Teams here.
Special features:
Expedition Team
Refurbished in 2016
Three restaurants
Multe bakery and ice cream bar
Explorer bar lounge
Fitness room
Conference room
Car deck
Hot tub
Explorer Bar
Ice Cream Bar
Fitness Room
Conference Room
Expedition Team
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